Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well hello there.

So, I've done it. I've finally created this thing and I don't even know where to begin. Well here is my best attempt.. and I'm terribly sorry in advance if I'm not as entertaining as I tout myself to be. Here goes...

A brief history:
Trav and I have been married for about 3 1/2 years. They have been the most amazing, patience testing, loving, hard, and wonderful years of our lives. In February 2009, I gave birth to our daughter, Cami Elizabeth. This little bean is easily the greatest accomplishment for either of us. She has made us complete.

Why Blog?
I am on a mission. I have always been one of those people who has fun, cares about other people, loves to laugh, and honestly gets by with doing (at least what I consider) the bare minimum. Let's be honest and call it lazy. Examples you say? Okay..

I needed to lose 55 lbs after having Cami. ::Gasp!:: Well, I have breastfed for almost a year, sat on my butt, and I still have 10 lbs to lose. Some would say, oh, that's good! Honestly, it's not healthy and I desperately need to get off my butt and make an effort to become a better person. If not for me.. then for my sweet baby girl.

Cooking. I know how to cook, I have resources available to me (fabulous foodie friends, cookware, a lovely cabinet of spices, etc.), but for some reason my husband and I had takeout hamburgers, subway (2 times), and hamburger helper in the past week. Ew.

Overall, I have so many things that I am capable of doing, but I don't because I am not accountable to anyone. So here we are. I have a list of things that I want to accomplish in the coming years and I need your help, ideas, and occasional firm hand (LOL). And honestly, I get into a lot of strange and hilarious situations that most people find wildly entertaining. I hope you enjoy this blog and what it becomes!